SEU faculty and staff play a critical role in students’ interest in study abroad, as well as their success while abroad. Studying abroad is a rigorous endeavor, and faculty and staff can inspire students to develop intercultural awareness, 学习一门外语, 提高求知欲, and make academic progress off campus. 教师也有独特的机会鼓励学生最大限度地利用他们在国外的时间, 建议他们在国外学习一学期或一年如何补充他们在奥斯汀的学术目标.

留学办公室重视教职员工的参与,并鼓励校园社区的成员, 来自各个学科和办公室, 成为留学盟友.


As a complement to the 应用程序roved study abroad programs offered each semester, there are a variety of global teaching opportunities for SEU faculty:

  • Summer 教师-Led program - available now!
  • 从2023年夏季开始,与东南大学合作伙伴交换大学进行暑期合作教学
  • Embedded programs - being reintroduced soon starting in the 2024 academic year
  • 与国外同事和大学合作的在线国际学习(COIL)机会——将于2024学年推出


夏季教师主导的海外学习项目是教师带一群学生出国3-4周的绝佳机会.  教师 are strongly encouraged to propose programs, and a complete guide on the proposal and program development process and timeline is available here.

There will be a call for summer 2024 & 2025年提案将于11月提交, as well as an information session for faculty, 提案截止日期为2月1日, 2023, for the following summer (15 months ahead).

http://stedwards.应用程序.盒子.com/file/1083994534333?s = 498 a05i2ut5dri4dqqtu…


Learn more information in offering a course with an 嵌入式行程组件.


Fulbright scholarship awards provide wonderful opportunities for faculty to lecture, research and collaborate with colleagues abroad. Learn more about this opportunity at the link below and contact 乔Vitone with questions or for more information:


所有代表大学进行国际旅行的教职员工都被要求通过以下链接通过兵马俑系统注册他们的旅行信息. =项目.ViewProgram&Program_ID = 32000


How can I help a student interested in studying abroad?

Identifying which courses students can possibly fulfill abroad is the first big step.  留学工作人员不是学术顾问,所以教师和成功教练是帮助学生的最佳人选.




It is never too early for students to start planning a study abroad experience. 

When first meeting with a new student, it can be very helpful to ask if study abroad is something they are interested in. 

他们应该浏览留学网站上的入门页面,这将指导他们完成步骤,并给他们一个时间表的概念.  网站上还有一个与留学顾问预约的链接.

How can students best academically prepare to study abroad?


If students need to take a modern language, study abroad is a great alternative to complete that general education requirement.

In addition to the modern language requirement, 满足全球视野和探索艺术作品的课程也是出国学习的好选择. 

Student can usually find general electives abroad as well.

How do students get courses 应用程序roved that they want to take abroad?

所有学生必须在他们的课程开始之前获得国外课程的批准, ideally the semester before they study abroad.

Students are encouraged to get 6-8 courses 应用程序roved, in the event some courses are not offered at all or there are schedule conflicts.

查看 留学课程批准表.



本学期晚些时候, 留学学生将注册两门课程,留学办公室将给他们发送CRN号码.

  • 其中一门课程只是一个标记课程,它作为一个占位者,表明他们将在国外尝试多少学分.  This is not for credit and will not 应用程序ear on their transcript.
  • 第二门课程是SABR 2150,这是一门在线留学课程,学生在国外完成1学分



值得注意的是,学生在学年中获得的联邦和机构资助不适用于夏季出国留学. 可能会有个别例外,但强烈建议学生与他们的SFS顾问会面,讨论更详细的内容.  



How long does it take for foreign transcripts to be sent to SEU?

外国成绩单在项目结束后需要3-4个月的时间才能寄到东南大学.  最后一学期在国外学习的大四学生,由于在国外学习学期结束时不能及时收到成绩单而不能毕业,应在下一学期申请毕业.

Do students have international insurance?

All students will have comprehensive medical insurance for the time they are abroad, either through their program or through the SEU policy with AXA.  Please contact the 出国留学 Office for more details.


留学办公室能做什么 & 不能给学生建议



而留学办公室的工作人员可以建议学生哪些目的地和项目可能是不同专业和未成年人的好选择, 他们不能就具体课程向学生提供建议,也不能告诉学生这些课程是否可以计入学分. 

Those questions can only be answered by their academic adviser and success coach.


在课程和学分之后,学生们最常问的问题是经济援助.  The study abroad website contains budget sheets for each program so students, 教师和工作人员可以看到每个大学或项目的可计费和非计费费用以及估计的个人费用. 


然而, 留学办公室无法获得学生的财务信息,因此无法向学生提供任何关于他们的经济援助和奖学金将如何申请到他们的留学项目的信息.

Those questions can only be answered by the Student Financial Services Office.